Our cozy little store gets a lot of attention. Take a listen to these tasty tidbits:
Seth Olney on "The Empire Plate"
Host Bill Vinci of the The Empire Plate gets the grand tour of The Olney Place, including TOP's favorite sandwich, the Rachel. Visit the website or watch below.
"Awesome experience today! Beautiful place. They treat you like family. Come and check it out." Bill Vinci
Seth Olney wins the beer battle, story by the Democrat & Cronicle
The fight to sell beer is over, and Seth Olney won. Watch the conversation below. Read the whole article here.
The Olney Place wins the booze battle, story by The Wall Street Journal
The fight to repeal prohibition in Barrington turns out to be a historic and momentous occasion, attracting national attention. If you're a WSJ subscriber, read The Wall Street Journal story here.
Seth Olney on "Connections with Evan Dawson."
Seth discusses federal tax challenges for small businesses. Listen here.
"A growing economy with businesses like Seth's solves a lot of our problems." Greg Biryla, Executive Director, Unshackle Upstate.
Seth Olney on "Connections with Evan Dawson."
The Olney Place is Finger Lakes hidden gem. Listen here.
"..I am a very proud customer of The Olney Place...I applaud [Seth's] energy, his energy initiative, his creativity... it's a great business...I've often said, if he ever decides to run for office, I want to run his campaign..." Robert Duffy, Former NYS Lieutenant Governor; Current President, Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce
"Bacon, Egg and Cheese"
We love this beautifully-made video of lake life by Devin Gan, featuring a Keuka must-have, a TOP sandwich.